The difference between a date and just hanging out might be just a little bit of planning. A date can be simple or elaborate. Below are a few of the pieces from which to build a date night. You might need just one activity, or you might frame it with a coordinated dinner and decorations. It's probably a good idea to mix things up for variety but also to keep from trying to outdo yourself each week with something grander and more spectacular than the week before.
A choice:
maybe you have a few date ideas that could work a given week, and you can give your date a choice between a few good options. This is a great step up from "What do you want to do this weekend?" because it shows you've thought about it but still want to involve them in the process. You can ask "Do you feel sporty or formal?" You could keep the possibilities a surprise by giving each date a name. I once asked my wife, "Do you want to Go Dutch, Go Green, Go Medieval, or something else?" Actually, since she doesn't like surprises, she made she explain what each was before choosing to Go Green.
a written invitation or a small gift might help them anticipate and prepare for the date. At the very least your date probably needs to know what time to be where and what the dress code is. How much advance warning they need to get an outfit ready or such is something to consider. If you have a regular date night, that at least goes a long way in knowing when they should be available.
for a formal dance or an athletic activity, appropriate dress is obvious. But you can also use your choice of dress to enhance the theme or color
maybe it's because I'm a guy, but often an activity centers around food. But if your going to be with your date more than just a couple of hours, there is likely a meal time at the beginning, end, or in the middle of the date. And you both (likely) need to eat anyway, so you might as well plan for eating a meal as part of the date. Maybe for a short date you just plan on bringing a snack, or maybe a special dessert would complement the date. Coordinating the food with the activity can go a long way in spicing up an otherwise boring dinner & movie date. Likewise, adding something special to the date can make it more exciting than just going out to eat.
this is probably where the main focus of the date is. It could be a movie, but it could also be a concert, an activity, a service project, or a trip to a museum. Find things you and/or your date enjoy. Don't be afraid to introduce them to something you like, or surprise them based on something they like. It's okay to take her to the ballet one week and a baseball game the next. (She is a baseball fan, right?)
Especially for a stay-at-home date, a few decorations can set the mood. You probably have some random knick-knacks or souvenirs you or someone else brought back from somewhere. You might as well use them sometime. Or make a some simple decorations yourself, or make them together.
appropriate music can set the tone. It is easy to find music on the internet, paying a couple bucks if necessary, or borrowing music from friends or the library. They often have quite a selection of music of various genres and from around the world for you to choose from.
So there you go -- get planning!